
Happy Diwali – Monday 24th October


Monday 24 October 2022 is Diwali.

Diwali is a festival of lights and is one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs.

Diwali is known as the ‘festival of lights’ because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called ‘diyas’.  Diwali always falls some time between October and November, but the exact date varies each year as the Hindu calendar is based on the Moon.

For many people this five day festival honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Lamps are lit and windows and doors are left open to help Lakshmi find her way into people’s homes.

Other ways that Hindus celebrate the festival include spring-cleaning the home, wearing new clothes, exchanging gifts (often sweets and dried fruits) and preparing festive meals, decorating buildings with fancy lights and holding huge fireworks displays.

During Diwali, people also make patterns called rangoli from colourful materials like powders and pastes.

To all our colleagues, customers, suppliers and friends observing this religious festival, we wish you a Happy Diwali!